Long ago before its establishment into a Municipal District, the area now called Burgos had crystal clear water from big springs and creeks continuously flowing in the place making most of its area swampy, so much so that early natives of the place had to roll up their pants when they traveled by foot.  The natives then called the place “Desdes” or “Disdis”, a Nabaloi term, meaning to roll up pants or sleeves.  The name of the place might have been backed-up by the lowlanders who later came and lived within the area, as “Desdes” in Iloko means “big spring”. Disdis then extended from Ribsuan (now part of Naguilian, La Union) up to Salat (now Sablan, Benguet).



The Municipal District of Disdis was then composed of two major barrios: Tabano of the southwestern part and Disdis of the Northeastern part.  The late Don Cando was then the District President while the late Don Polon Bentrez was the Vice President.  When the two could not agree on the manner of administering the District, Don Polon then decided to separate Tabano from Disdis in order to avoid conflicts.  With some of the elders from Tabano, Dompolon (as they use to call Don Polon) consulted the late Assemblyman Enrique Rimando about his plan.  The late Assemblyman Rimando immediately presented a Resolution to then Governor General Leonard Wood.  Convinced with the Resolution’s contents, Governor General Wood issued Executive Order No. 54 on November 27, 1925 organizing the barrios of Pappa, Bilis Northwest, Ribsuan, Libtong North and Bayabas West with their corresponding Sitios of the Municipal District of La Union under the name Burgos.  The name “Burgos” was given to honor the memory of the martyred priest Father Jose G. Burgos, who made a stopover and officiated mass at Sitio Domingo in Agpay while seeking refuge from the wrath of the Spaniards.

The early native settlers of the place where Ibalois (Mangatibekbek) who came from Atok and Kapangan, Benguet and Pongpong of Tiw-angan, Bagulin, La Union.  They were later joined by Ilocanos from Vigan and Candon, Ilocos Sur, San Fernando, Sto. Tomas and Naguilian of the Province of La Union and from a town of Pangasinan like Dagupan.  As they peacefully lived together for many decades, their cultures were intertwined leading to a harmonious relationship that has been cherished up to the present.

When Executive Order No. 54 took effect in January 1, 1926, Don Polon Bentrez was appointed by then Governor Juan Ortiz of the Province of La Union as the “First President” of the Municipal District of Burgos, thus known and acclaimed “The Founder of the Municipality of Burgos”.  The seat of government was in Barrio Ribsuan (now part of Naguilian, La Union) with a town hall or “presidencia” built at the present sight of Burgos Central School out of bamboo and cogon.

          Dompolon tried his best to effectively lead the District.  One of his significant accomplishments that is still remembered and cherished is when he distributed and apportioned lands to the early settlers.

Don Polon died after three and a half years of service due to a serious wound he sustained while inspecting the boundary line and hunting at Bantay Siam in Barrio Libtong.  His Vice President, Don Cornelio Abenes, assumed the presidency until the election in 1930 under the Commonwealth Government where Don Juan Abellada became the first elected Municipal District Mayor of Burgos.



Barrios of Caoayan, Tumapoc, Linuan, Delles and Central (now Old Poblacion) were created during the time of Don Juan Abellada. Additional schools were also opened during the time of Mayor Marcelino P. Gallardo.

          When rivers and creeks were established as municipal boundaries, Ribsuan was annexed to Naguilian, La Union.  The seat of government was then transferred to “Central” with a town hall or “presidencia” constructed with bamboo and local materials (just a few meters away southwest of the present Old Poblacion Barangay Plaza).

          During the incumbency of Ocbus Abansi as Mayor in the year 1960, the seat of government was transferred to New Poblacion (then still a part of Barrio Bilis, Burgos) with a semi-permanent “presidencia” that was constructed through the “pork barrel” or discretionary fund of then Congressman Manuel T. Cases of the Second District of La Union; Municipal Public Market, Rural Health Center and roads to barrios were constructed; various waterworks systems were also constructed.

          Due to strong clamors of municipal and barangay officials as well as concerned residents, more barangays were created in 1968 by virtue of Provincial Board Resolution NO. 531 as Agpay; Dalacdac, segregated from mother barrio Caoayan; Imelda weaned from mother barrio Libtong; New Poblacion separated from mother barrio Bilis; and Upper Tumapoc from Barrio Tumapoc.

          As Municipal Officials come and go, more socio-economic development were introduced and implemented: like development of roads and expansion of road network, establishment and expansion of elementary and secondary schools, improvement and construction of more municipal public market buildings, improved Rural Health Unit building and its facilities, establishment of more Barangay Health Stations, improvement of the Municipal Plaza, and other infrastructure developments.

          To continue and sustain development of the Municipality, more programs and projects are being introduced and implemented to include, the purchase of lot in Agpay to accommodate among others: an eco-tourism park to start tourism industry in the Municipality and an engineered sanitary landfill facilities to solve the long time problem of the Municipal Government on an area of waste disposal; improvement of the Municipal Hall building and facilities; improving the status of the local access roads to boost agricultural and tourism in the Municipality.





North:                  Bagulin, La Union               East:   Province of Benguet

South:                  Naguilian, La Union           West:  Naguilian, La Union



Land Area:         7,082 has                              Climate:        Type 1 (Wet and Dry)

Terrain:                Rolling                            No. of Barangays:  12



Population:                    8,067           Major dialects:        Iloko

Growth Rate:                 1.63             Religion (Dominant):  Roman Catholics

Population Density:     6                 Literacy rate:           98.83%

No. of Households:      1,596          


Labor force (no.):        5, 491          Poverty Incidence:                          53.15%

Employment Rate:       47.86%        Magnitude of Poor families:          34.82%

Employment Distribution                    Magnitude of poor population: 37.18%

     Agriculture:  96%                      Classification:                                    5th Class

     Industry:        1.87%                   

     Services:        2.06%                   



Existing Land Use Distribution

      Agricultural Areas:             2,263.93      Bare land Areas:    43.5147

     Grassland Areas:                24.1099       Wetland Areas:       114.7927

     Forest Areas:                        536. 5896     Built-up Areas:         48.8077


Land Classification

      Certified A&D:                    2,307.93

     Public Forest:                       507.5896


Number of Barangay:            Upland:         9        Lowland:      3

Length of river banks:             11.40 kms